We all face difficulties and problems. They’re inevitable. At times, we feel that nothing is going right. We can’t seem to find any solutions to our problems. We feel that things are just not going the way we planned, whether it’s with respect to school, work, or anything else for that matter.
We try to find the solution to a problem, but no matter how much we contemplate, we just can’t figure it out! We are faced with a mental block. We can’t seem to get anywhere no matter how hard we try. These adversities can include personal and immediate tasks or collective and long term assignments. It could be the infamous writer’s block or being unable to grasp calculus concepts.
We may find ourselves in situations where we want to start a business, raise money from investors, increase sales, or reach any other goal we may have. The goals can be very clear in our minds, but sometimes the methods of reaching those goals just don’t come to mind, even after spending a prolonged period of time trying to figure it out. We focus all our unwavering effort on resolution, yet it bears no fruit.
What can we do? Rather, what is left to do? Surely, there must be a way to solve problems even after all resources have been exhausted.
Researchers have presented many formulas for problem-solving and guides for overcoming mental blocks. The non-Muslim scientist will reccomend you leave it to your subconscious mind. Their method implies that once you have expended all possibilities; instead of overwhelming yourself, leave everything to your subconscious mind, and it will yield an answer for you in due time.
While the principle is sound, it remains flawed. One of the major flaws is in the vocabulary. The scientists propose that you must utter “I leave the rest to my subconscious mind”, while muslims declare, and rightly so, “I leave the rest to Allah”. The problem with the first method is the absence of Allah in our equation, but with the latter method, Allah is the main constituent. If we want true success, Allah always has to be in our equation.
As I mentioned before, the principle used by the non-Muslim scientists is meaningful but incomplete. We learn our principles from the best people to have ever walked the surface of the earth, the Prophets and Sahabahؓ . They achieved success in this world and that of the hereafter.
The reason why it’s so simple to apply their principles in our life is that they were as human as us. Therefore, The principles that worked for them will also work for us. It’s our duty to derive these principles from their lives and apply them in our own.
So what do we learn from the Sahabahؓ about problem-solving? When you are faced with great indecision and adversity what measures can be taken to overcome it? A glance at the lifetime of the prophet will reveal many hardships and hindrances.
There was a time when Rasulullah ﷺ was worried and concerned as he was in the midst of trying to solve a problem. After thinking and searching for a solution, he still could not find the answer. I am referring to the incident where the Prophet was trying to find the solution for how to call people for Salaat. Many solutions were recommended to the Prophet. Some proposed that the people be called at the times of Salaat by the waving of a flag. Some suggested the usage of a trumpet, and others advised the ringing of a bell. Rasulullah ﷺ dismissed all suggestions and deemed them unsuitable as they were mimicking practices from other religions.
As can be seen, this was a moment of worry and great concern for Rasulullah ﷺ. At that time, the call to prayer was announced by a man waving his hands from an elevated area. Those who were fortunate to witness the waving of the hands would come, and those who had missed the announcement would not know of the Salaah.
Evidently, this was a cause of great concern and a solution was required urgently. Here on, I urge the reader to keep in mind the principles that can be learned and implemented in their own life.
At this point, we would expect a revelation to come down on Rasulullah ﷺ, but that did not happen. Rather, it was from another means that a solution was brought about.
Another Sahabi named Abdullah ibn Zaidؓ took this concern of Rasulullah ﷺ to heart. It caused him great distress and he sought to bring about a solution quickly. His intentions were clean and pure. He tried to search for and think of possible solutions, but nothing seemed to make sense, as Rasulullah ﷺ had already dismissed many suggestions.
He himself narrates: “(after Rasulullah ﷺ dismissed all the suggestions) I returned home, overcome with the worry that I saw Rasulluah ﷺ so troubled. It was just before dawn when slumber eventually overcame me and as I lay there halfway between consciousness and sleep, I saw a man wearing 2 green garments. He stood at the roof of the Masjid, placed his fingers in his ears, and called out the Azaan”. Hence the emergence of the Azaan, a call to prayer made five times a day, recognized by Muslims globally.
Abdullahؓ had a genuine concern, same as Rasulullah ﷺ, then Allah presented the solution in his dream. Use the same principle. Try everything in your power, and before going to sleep, ask Allah for help. Leave everything in the hands of Allah, and surely the answer will come. It may not be that very night, but Allah will never fail in providing a course of action to overcome any deterrent. Allah knows no problems but only solutions. The answer to your problems may not come to you in a dream but manifest itself as an inspiration. You might feel the inspiration to go to a bookstore and buy a book or you might even overhear a conversation. Rest assured, the solutions will come.
There is another incident I would like to share with you that displays how the Sahabaؓ were guided to their solutions by Allah. This incident happened with Khalid ibn Waleedؓ. I will not go into detail about the whole story of his conversion here, but nonetheless, it is a must read, a fascinating incident. Long story short, Rasulullah ﷺ sent a letter for him, inviting him to Islam.
Khalid ibn Waleedؓ himself narrates: “After reading this letter, I was inspired to leave for Madina, and my inclination towards Islam increased. It pleased me to think that Rasulullah ﷺ had actually asked about me. During this time, I dreamed that I was constricted and in a drought-stricken land after which I arrived at a land that was vast and fertile. This, I thought, is certainly a true dream.”
He then readily accepted Islam. We can be very certain of the fact that once he received the letter, the predominant thought on his mind was the acceptance of Islam. There are many accounts such as this, where pious people were inspired by dreams when they were in need of guidance.
Science calls these incidents “the power of your subconscious mind” while we call it “the power of Allah”; to desire something so direly and leaving it to a higher power. The key here is to genuinely, wholeheartedly, and with conviction leave all affairs to Allah. He will inevitably inspire you with a solution.
I would like to leave you with a dua of Rasulullah ﷺ. Scholars say that if the dua in question is read before sleeping when you are looking for solutions, Allah shows you the way in your dreams, if not, then he inspires you in some way or another. The dua is:
أللهٌمّ ألْهِمْنَا مَرَاشِدَ أمُوْرِنَا
Allahumma Alhimna Maraashida Umoorina
Translation: O Allah inspire in us guidance in our affairs.
Yet another life-changing principle from our beloved Prophet; if you think you have done everything in your power to solve the problem, alleviate yourself and leave the rest to Allah. Keep repeating this dua with your goal firmly in mind. Vocalize, be specific, and visualize having the solution. Have complete belief and conviction that Allah will give you your answers. You will be astonished when you yourself experience its benefits, just like countless others have.
When you leave something in the hands of Allah, be at ease and understand that you gave the task of solving a problem to a higher power. Truly believe that Allah will give you what you need. You may not get the answer overnight, but keep on having faith in Allah until the day breaks and the shadows flee away.